How to Create or Edit the Menu?
- In this section, our quick and easy steps will include but not limited to – Creating Categories, Items, Modifiers, and selecting additional preferences which include Enabling web ordering.
- Click the left navigation button, from here you can navigate to and from any section. From the Catalog section, you can create, add or modify your menu.
How to create a Super Category?
How to create a Category?
- Fill in all required fields as indicated in the screenshot. Add the image of the category in the image box. Enter the category name in the Category Name field.
- Tap the checkboxes next to Copy to Kitchen name, Copy to Receipt name and Copy to Web name (if you want to keep the same name of categories at these places).
- Select the Super Category, Tax Class, and Other Tax Class from the dropdown.
- Set the Background color and the Font color for the sub-category name in the POS.
- Click the Online Ordering tab.
- To activate this category for online ordering, turn on the switch next to Enable Web and enter the name with which you want this category to be recognized in online ordering.
- To mark this as a featured category, ✔️ the checkbox next to Mark as Highlighted/Featured.
Note: On enabling web at category level, all the associated sub-categories and items will inherit the same setting only if the Inherit Online is enabled for that sub-category or item. The sub-category will inherit the sub-category name as a web name. The item will inherit item price as web price, item name as web name, and item description as web description.
How to create a Subcategory?
- Fill in all required fields as indicated in the screenshot. Add the image of the sub-category in the image box. Enter the sub-category name in the Category Name field.
- Tap the checkboxes next to Copy to Kitchen name, Copy to Receipt name and Copy to Web name (if you want to keep the same name of sub-categories at these places).
- Select the Parent Category, Super Category, and Tax Class from the dropdown.
- Set the Background color and the Font color for the sub-category name in the POS.
- Click the Online Ordering tab.
- To activate this sub-category for online ordering, turn on the switch next to Enable Web and enter the name with which you want this sub-category to be recognized for online order.
- To mark this as a featured sub-category, ✔️ the checkbox next to Mark as Highlighted/Featured.
Note: Enable Web will be enabled automatically for this sub-category, if the Enable Web is activated for its parent category and the Inherit Online is enabled for this sub-category. In such a scenario, the sub-category name will automatically appear in the web name.
- Click the Inherit Properties tab.
- Here you will see that by default all boxes are marked. If you do not want the sub-category to inherit a specific setting, uncheck the box next to that setting.
Note: If Inherit Online is selected, this sub-category will inherit the settings from the Online Ordering tab.
How to add an item to the menu?
- Click the Item tab located on the top of the Menu Management screen.
- Now enter the name that you want to add and enter the Sale Price.
- Click the box underneath the Category.
- On the drop-down list, select the category/subcategory to be associated with the item being created.
- Select the Tax Class and click the ➕ Add & Setup button (in Red).
- Fill in all required fields as indicated in the screenshot. Add the image of the item in the image box. Enter the item name in the Item Name field.
- Tap the checkboxes next to Copy to Kitchen name, Copy to Receipt name and Copy to Web name (if you want to keep the same name of the item at these places).
- Enter the Sale Price. If you wish to keep the item price the same for the online orders, check the box next to Copy to Web Price.
- Now select the Super Category, Category, and Tax Class from the dropdown.
- Fill in other details including the Background color and the Font color for the item name in the POS.
- Click the Online Ordering tab.
- To activate this item for online ordering, turn on the switch next to Enable Web.
- Enter the item name in Web Name with which you want this item to be recognized for online orders.
- Enter the item price for online orders in the Web Price field.
- To mark this as a featured sub-category, ✔️ the checkbox next to Mark as Highlighted/Featured.
Note: If the Enable Web is activated for the parent category and Inherit Online is activated for this item, it will have Enable Web automatically turned on. The item price will be reflected as web price, item name as web name and item description as web description.
Note: If Inherit Online is selected, this item will inherit the settings from the Online Ordering tab.
- Go to the Inventory tab, enter the existing in-hand quantity of an item in the QTY (in hand) field and follow the below steps.
- Put the item-related details in SKU, MPN, and GL Account.
- Click Generate UPC. It will generate a unique 12 digit number in the UPC field.
- Select the item manufacturer from the Manufacturer/Brand drop-down.
- Tapping on Enable negative inventory checkbox will allow you to put the negative value in the item quantity.
- Tapping on Enable Purchase Order checkbox will enable the purchase order for this item.
- Tapping on Track Inventory will unhide inventory-related sections for an item.
- Vendor: Select the name of the vendor (who is supplying the said item) from the drop-down list. If you can’t find the vendor in the list, first add it from the Vendor tab under Inventory.
- Additional Vendor: Select the name of the additional vendor if an item has multiple vendors.
- Reorder Point: Put the item quantity at which you want the item to be reordered.
- Unit: Select the unit to measure the item, for example, number, kg, etc.
- Item Size: This field will tell the size of the per piece if the unit is a piece.
- Item Size Unit: Select the item size measurement unit.
- Is Packet: Check this box if an item has been added as a carat or bundle.
- Packet Size: This field enables automatically when the Is Packet checkbox is marked. This field tells how many pieces are there in one carat or bundle.
- Show pop-up for insufficient inventory: Tapping this checkbox will notify you whenever there is insufficient inventory.
- Once done, click Save.
How to associate modifiers to categories or items?
- The added groups will be displayed underneath where you can customize them as per your choice.
- Free Mod Count: Enter the number of free modifiers you want to offer with this item category.
- Multi Select: Tap this checkbox, if you want the multiple modifiers to be selected at the same time from the same group.
- Mod Forced: Select the checkbox to make this a forced (mandatory) modifier.
- Min Forced Count: Enter the minimum forced modifier count.
- Max Forced Count: Enter the maximum forced modifier count.
- Status: Tap this checkbox under Status to enable all the modifiers in the group. To enable a specific modifier, you can click the Status box next to that particular modifier.
- Unhide the list of modifiers by clicking the
icon adjacent to the modifier group.
- The list of modifiers will be expanded underneath. Here you can set the modifier price, choose to overwrite the existing price of the modifier, and enable or disable the modifier. Check the descriptions below:
- Price: Enter the price of the modifier. If Overwrite is chosen in the next field, the Price will overwrite the existing price of the modifier. On the contrary, if the % of product is chosen in the next field, the new modifier price will be the x percent of the product, where x is the figure mentioned in the Price. For example, if 2 is mentioned in Price and the item price is $7, the modifier price will be 2% of $7 = $0.14.
- Quantity: This is the default quantity of the modifier. For example, if you enter 2, by default the 2 number of modifiers will appear preselected on the POS.
- Included: Tap this checkbox if you want this modifier to be included automatically when any item of this category is chosen.
- Status: Tap the checkbox to enable this modifier.
- Once done, please click the
button to save the changes.
- As we have associated two modifiers (Teriyaki and Sweet Chilli sauce) with the Sandwich category, both of them will be visible on the POS screen under the parent modifier when any item from the sandwich category is chosen. The price of the Teriyaki sauce is $0.5 (overwritten price) and the Sweet Chilli sauce costs 2% of $7.00 (the price of Tangent Grilled Cheese), i.e., $0.14. The prices will be reflected according to the settings you have done at the backend. Similarly, you can associate modifiers with the items. Go to the Items section in Catalog and follow the same steps as instructed above.screen.
How to create a modifier group?
How to create a modifier?
General modifier groups and associated items
- Meat TemperaturesBlue, Rare, Medium Rare, Medium, Medium Well, Well Done, Black.
- Alcohol PrepBruised, Rocks, Neat, Dirty, Double, Stirred
- Salad DressingsBlue Cheese, Ranch, Creamy Italian, Oil, Vinegar, House Italian, Balsamic Vinaigrette
- Substitutions, Cheese TypeMozzarella Cheese, Feta Cheese, Cheddar Cheese, Provolone Cheese, Swiss Cheese
- Bread Type RyeCountry White, Multigrain, Sourdough, Whole Wheat
- Egg PrepScrambled, Sunny Side Up, Fried, Poached, Egg Whites
How to create combo meals in Vivid POS?
Now you can create combo meals in the Vivid POS and offer multiple items in a single meal. For example, you can create a combo meal of burger, french fries, and diet coke. To get started, you simply need to go to the backend portal, choose the main product and add more items as a combo to it. Here we are going to create a combo meal that consists of Tangent Taco + Fries + Diet Pepsi. You can create your own combo items by replicating these steps.
Bulk Price Editor
Vivid backend portal allows you to change the price/web price of all the items in a category in bulk. You can also select multiple items in a category and set one price for them all. Also, these prices can be increased/decreased by a set percent. Here is a high-level overview of how you can update the item prices in bulk.
How to update the price of a single item?
To update the price of a single item from a Price Editor, you can navigate to the Catalog section in the backend portal and proceed with the following steps. Let us understand this with an example. Suppose you want to set the price of Fried Mozzarella (which falls under the Appetizers category) to $8. Here is how you can do it.
- Go to the Catalog on the left navigation bar.
- Click the Price Editor tab as shown in the screenshot.
- Tap the Category drop-down and select Appetizers (the category where you want to update the item price).
- The list of items under Appetizers will be displayed on the screen.
- Look for the item you want to change the price, Fried Mozzarella, in our case.
- Tap the field under Price and update the new price. Similarly, you can also update the web price for any item.
- Don’t forget to click the Submit button once you have updated the item price.
How to update the item prices in bulk?
If you want to escape from updating the item prices one by one, you have an option to change the item prices at once using the Bulk Price Editor. Suppose you need to change the price of the items in the Appetizer category to $5; here is how you can do it.
- Under the Catalog menu, click the Price Editor tab.
- Tap the Category drop-down and select Appetizers (the category where you want to update the item price).
- The list of items under Appetizers will be displayed on the screen.
- Select the checkbox next to the item(s) and click the
button as shown in the screenshot. To select all the items at once, tap the checkbox next to Item Name.
- If you want to update the item(s) price on the eCommerce platforms as well, select the Web Price checkbox. Using this feature, you can keep the different prices for physical stores and the web portal.
- Click the Update button to save the new price. Click Ok on the confirmation pop-up.
- Click the Submit button once you have updated the item price.
How to increase/decrease the item(s) price by a fixed amount?
What if you want to change the item(s) price by a fixed $ amount? Let’s say, increasing the price of all the bottled beer by $2. Here is what you need to do.
How to increase/decrease the item(s) price by a fixed percent?
Users, who want to change the item price by a fixed percentage, can do it using the following steps. Like decreasing the price of all the beverages by 1%.
Employee Management
Vivid allows you to perform the labor management from the backend portal. It runs in sync with the Vivid POS. You can add new employees, assign privileges to them or generate the unique QR code for them.
How to add an employee?
- Click the Information tab.
- Fill in the employee details – name, email address, phone number, select the assigned service area, landing area.
- Click Add Role to select the multiple roles for the employee under the Assigned role tab. Also, fill in the details under Address, Payroll info, Details, and Settings. Once done click the Save button to create a new employee on the portal.
How to give portal access to existing employees?
How to generate QR code from the backend portal?
How to add a pay rate for an employee?
How to set up Only Clock In access for an employee?
How to use Enterprise Data Management?
Using Data Management in the Vivid backend portal you can upload a .csv file into the backend portal and push the data as well.
How to upload a .csv file to the backend portal?
- The template will contain column headers that are required for uploading into the system.
- All of the information does not need to be filled out. However, there will be an error if there is no product name
- Once the appropriate information has been entered, we can return to the data management area and upload the .csv file.
How to push data to child locations?
- From the Hyperion backend portal, navigate to the Catalog section
- At the catalog/menu section, select the Super Categories or Categories that need to be pushed to the other locations.
- Then click on the chain symbol to select which locations the data will be pushed to.
- Click the Save button once the appropriate locations have been determined.
- Next, repeat the process to the categories, items, modifier groups, and modifiers that need to be pushed.
How to Transfer Sales?
The Transfer Sale section lets you transfer the sale after the order is closed/paid. For instance, if by mistake another server closed the order then s/he can transfer that sales to the correct server after the payment. Here is how you can transfer the sales.
How to Enable Inventory?
Time Management
With Vivid POS, you can track the working hours of your employees with the help of Clock-In/ Clock-Out feature. Under Time Management, you will be able to see all the employee’s clock-in and clock-out times. You can edit the clock-in/clock-out time or add clock-in and clock-out for an employee if he/she has forgotten for that day.
How to add Clock In/Clock Out time for any employee?
- Tap the Employee drop-down and select an employee from the list.
- Once an employee is selected, select the role for that employee from the Role drop-down that lists all the associated roles of the employees.
- From the Status drop-down, select the one for which you want to add the time entry.
- If it’s a Clock-In entry, the status will be Clock-in, enter the Clock-In time and click on Save.
- If you want to enter Clock-Out entry, the status will be Clock-out and enter Clock-Out time only.
- Finally, click
as seen in the screenshot.
How to Add Customers?
- Click the Shipping Address tab. Here you should enter the shipping address of the address. It may or may not be the same as the billing address.
- Put the address in the fields as shown in the screenshot.
- The Country field will show the USA by default, but you can select any other country from the drop-down.
- To add more addresses, click
- Also, you can set an address as default by tapping on the
- Tap on the Price List tab.
- Select the applicable price list for this customer.
- Every price list will have an expanded field where you can enter the items to include or exclude them from the price list. At the most you can add 100 items in the Included Items and Excluded Items field.
- Once done, click Save.
How to Create a New Role?
You can use the Access Management section in the Vivid backend portal to create a new role for employees.
How to Create a Coupon?
- In the Add Coupon screen, enter the Coupon Name, Coupon Code (your customers will use to redeem this coupon), and enter the Available Quantity.
- Set the issuing and expiry dates in the Issue Date and Expiry Date field box.
- Now choose the Discount Type as % or $. Enter the value in the box underneath.
- In Included Items, enter the item names for whom this coupon code shall be applicable.
- In Excluded Items, enter the item names for whom this coupon code shall not be applicable.
- Use the Customize Coupon Message field to post any interesting message on the coupons.
Inventory Management
With Vivid POS you can now track your inventory in real-time so you know what to reorder and when. Easily find thousands of items by organizing them in their respective categories. Vivid can update inventory count for you, send automatic stock alerts and generate purchase orders so you remain stocked always.
Creating a new Vendor
Adding a Designer
Note: The Designer tab is only meant for E-Commerce Enterprise users. It will appear in the Inventory section when the E-Commerce Enterprise module is enabled for that location in the backend portal.
Adding a new Manufacturer
- A new window will appear, enter the manufacturer name in the Manufacturer field.
- Turn on the toggle switch underneath Enable Brand if you wish to mark this manufacturer as a brand.
- Enter the manufacturer description in the given field.
- Click ➕Add Image button to upload the manufacturer’s brand logo.
- Click Save.
How to add Inventory?
You can add stock or inventory from the Vivid backend portal. Once stock is added, the portal also allows you to filter the inventory by Stock Status (over or under), Category (item category) and Status (active or deactivated). Here are the steps you can follow to add inventory in the Vivid backend portal.
- The Add Stock screen appears. Here you can add item details with Item name, Sale Price and QTY (In Hand) being the mandatory fields. The description for other fields are as follows:
- Vendor: Select the name of the vendor (who is supplying the said item) from the drop-down list. If you can’t find the vendor in the list, first add it from the Vendor tab under Inventory.
- Manufacturer: Select the name of the manufacturer (who is manufacturing the said item) from the drop-down list. If you can’t find the manufacturer in the list, first add it from the Manufacturer tab under Inventory.
- Item: Select the name of the item from the drop-down list. If you can’t find the item in the list, first add an item in the Catalog section.
- UPC: Unique Product Code.
- SKU: Stock Keeping Unit.
- COG: Cost of Good
- Margin%: Put the margin in %.
- Sale Price: Put the item sale price. If you want to set the sale price the same as the item price, click Same for Item Price.
- QTY (In Hand): Put the existing in-hand item quantity.
- Reorder Point: Put the item quantity at which you want the item to be reordered.
- Unit: Select the unit to measure the item, for example, number, kg, etc.
- Item Size: This field will tell the size of each piece if the unit is a piece.
- Item Size Unit: Select the item size measurement unit.
- Is Packet: Check this box if an item has been added as a carat or bundle.
- Packet Size: This field enables automatically when the Is Packet checkbox is marked. This field tells how many pieces are there in one carat or bundle.
- Note: Here you can add any note for the item you’ve added.
- Once done, click Save.
How to Generate a Purchase Order?
A purchase order is a legal document that a buyer sends to a vendor or supplier to authorize a purchase. Here are steps to be taken to create the one from the Vivid backend portal.
- Enter the details of the item you are creating the PO for.
- In the QTY section, enter the item quantity that you want to order from the vendor.
- In the Cost/Unit section, enter the per unit price of an item.
- Enter the UPC, MPN and ALU details of an item.
- To add more items, repeat the steps from selecting the vendor till the above step.
- Click Generate PO or if you do not want to generate now, click Save & Hold.
- On clicking the Generated PO button, the PO# Generated Successfully message will appear. Click the Download PDF button to download the PO in your system or you can click ✖️ if you do not want to download it now.
- Once the PO is generated, you will be sent back to the Purchase Order section. Here you can review the purchase orders under the Purchase Orders List tab.
- Click
to edit the PO.
- Click
to email the PO.
- Clickt
to receive the item(s).
- Click
to delete the PO# from the list.
- Click the Purchase Orders Received tab to review the purchase orders that have been received in the past.
Receiving a Purchase Order
After receiving the items ordered, you need to enter the actual quantity received in the backend portal. Doing this will update the item quantity (in-hand) in the portal. Here are the steps to receive the purchase order.
How to apply auto-gratuity based on the balance due?
Now the auto-gratuity (in $ or %) can be applied if the total amount due exceeds the preset Gratuity Amount Limit. This feature can be implemented from the Configuration > Service Area in the backend portal. Here are the steps.

- Login to the backend portal.
- Click the Hamburger button on the top left and click the Configuration option on the left navigation menu.

- Expand the Setup navigation.
- Click Service Area.
For example, you have set $20 as the Gratuity Amount Limit and $2 as the Gratuity Value. Now, if the total amount due is $26 (exceeds $20 Gratuity Amount Limit), the $2 gratuity will be added automatically to the bill, and the new balance due will be $28 (amount due + gratuity). However, if the total amount due remains $19 (less than the Gratuity Amount Limit), the auto-gratuity won’t apply, and the balance due will remain the same, i.e., $19.
Adding General Information in the backend portal
You can add or edit your location name, upload brand logo, change address, time zone, business name, all by yourself from the backend portal. Follow the steps below, navigate to the General Information section and edit your business information.

- Log in to your Vivid backend portal.
- Go to the left navigation and click Configuration.

- Click the
symbol in front of Setup. Doing this will explore further sections underneath the setup.
- Now you can tap on any field to edit or add the relevant information.
- To edit or add your business logo, click the Browse button, select the image from the location in your system and upload it.
- Click the Time Zone box and select the time zone from the drop-down based on where your business is located.
- Once you are done with the changes, click Save Changes.
Note: Boxes marked with asterisk ”*” are mandatory fields and cannot be left empty.
Adding and Setting up the Service Area
Here you can add the service areas and customize them for better functioning. Let’s first begin with adding the service area.
Adding the Service Area

- Click the
on the bottom right below the service areas.

- Tap the Select drop-down in the Service Area Type column and pick the service area type.
- Tap these checkboxes only if you want to enable them, otherwise leave them unchecked. Their description is given below.
- Enable Online: Check this box if the service area has to be enabled for the online orders.
- View Only: Check this box if the service area is meant just to display the menu online and not for accepting orders. (This setting will hide the Add to Cart button).
- Enable Self Order: Check this box to enable this service area for self-ordering.
- Status: Check this box if you want to activate this service area.
- Click
to save the settings.
- Click
to delete the service area.
Setting up the Service Area
- Click
in front of a service area under the Action column to start setting up that service area. The Setting screen will appear with lots of customization options. These options may vary for different Service Area Types. For example, this screen appears for the Main Dining service area. The description for the fields is given below.
- Call In Name: Enable this toggle switch (turn it red) to show the customer call in name input option for this service area.
- Default text message for delivery/pickup: Enter the default text message that you want to display for delivery/pickup.
- Disable Position: Turning on the toggle switch (turn it red) will disable the position selection for this service area.
- Enable Course: Turning on the toggle switch (turn it red) will enable the course selection for this service area.
- Enable Shipping Tax: Turning on the toggle switch (turn it red) will enable the additional shipping tax for this service area.
- Extra Charge List: Here you can select the extra charges that should apply on all orders under this service area.
- Reserved Display Time (in minutes): Enter the table reserve time (in minutes).
- Reservation Hold Time (in minutes): This is the holding time for a reserved table.
- Suggested Tip List: Enter the tip amount that you want to show on the payment screen. To enter multiple tip amounts, separate them with a comma “,”.
- Tax Class ID List: Select the applicable tax classes for this service area.
- Disable Tax Class List: Select the not-applicable tax class(s) for this service area.
- Gratuity Amount Limit: Here you can set the maximum amount due limit, which if exceeded, the gratuity will apply automatically.
- Gratuity Type: Select the gratuity type- % or Amount.
- Gratuity Value: Enter the gratuity amount that should apply when the Total Amount Due exceeds the Gratuity Amount Limit.
- Once you are done with the settings, click Save on the top right corner.
Adding the Tax Class
Here you can add the tax class, set the tax rate (%) and mark them default tax or smart tax.
- Click
- A new field will appear. Enter the tax class name, set the tax rate (in %).
- Tap on the Default Tax checkbox, if you want to set this tax as a default.
- Tap on the Smart Tax checkbox, if you want to set this tax as a smart tax.
- Tap on the Status checkbox to activate the tax class.
- Click
to save the settings.
- Click
to delete the tax class.
Setup the User Defined Payment method
User defined payment method section allows you to set up the most popular payment methods and customize them to fit the restaurant’s needs.
- Click
as shown in the screenshot.
- A new field will appear; enter the name of the payment method that you want to add.
- Tap the Exclude Gratuity checkbox if you want this payment method to be free of Gratuity.
- Tap the Enable Favourite checkbox if you want to set this payment method as a favourite.
- Tap the Enable Customer House Account checkbox to enable a payment method for customer House Account.
- Tap the Status checkbox to activate a payment method.
- Click
to delete the payment method.
How to create a new Terminal?

- Click the
button on the bottom right.
- On the Add Terminal screen, fill in the details as shown in the screenshot.
- Enter the terminal name in the Name field.
- Enter the short name.
- Select the payment gateway from the Gateway drop-down.
- Select the Receipt Printer to which you want to send the receipts for the orders received on this terminal.

- Select the Terminal Type from the drop-down- POS, Self-ordering, QST, and QLite.
- Add the description on the Description field that you want to display underneath the terminal name on the POS.

- Once you have filled in all the details, you can perform the terminal-based settings. Please be informed that altering any of these configurations will change the settings for a particular terminal only. To change the settings for a particular terminal, go to the Terminal section and edit the terminal of choice. Below are the detailed descriptions of these settings:
- Enable Batch Close Terminal – Enabling this setting will allow you to close the batch for this terminal.
- Enable Online Order Notify – Enable this setting to be notified about the online orders. You will receive a notification on the POS as soon as a guest places an order on the online platform.
- Disable Redirection Until Tip Applied – Turn on this setting to disable the redirection until the tip is not applied on the credit orders. Enabling this setting won’t let you exit the order screen until the tip is not applied.
- Disable Print on Receipt Popup – Turn on this setting if you do not want to see the Print button on the receipt popup.
- Display Item Price in Ticket – Turn on this setting if you want the item price to be displayed on the ticket.
- Disable Auto Batch Print Report – Enable this setting to prevent the auto batch report from printing.
- Disable Cash Payment – Enable this setting to stop accepting cash payments for the orders from this terminal.
- Enable Terminal Based Service Area – Enable this setting to activate the terminal-based service areas.
- Print Receipt After Batch Close – Enabling this setting will print the receipt once the batch closes.
- Enable Tip Signature – Enabling this setting will allow the tip signature pad to appear on the screen.
- Enable Scale Measurement Automatically – Enabling this setting will open the scale measurement system automatically for the items to be sold by weight. The Scanning weight pop-up appears on the order screen, which shows the item weight measured on the integrated scale. You can also enter the weight manually, but you need to enable the Allow Manual Weight settings to see this feature.
- Allow Manual Weight – Enabling this setting will allow you to enter the item weight manually on the weight measurement pop-up screen. If you want the item wight to be shown automatically, please turn on the setting Enable Scale Measurement Automatically.
- Enable Meal – Enable this setting to activate the terminal-based meal.
- Customer Copy for Non-Cash Payment – You can print the customer receipt copy for all non-cash payments by enabling this setting.
- Enable Honeywell Scanner – Enabling this setting will activate the Honeywell scanner for this terminal. With the help of a scanner, you can add an item to the cart by scanning the barcode.
- Customer Copy for Cash Payment – You can print the customer receipt copy for all cash payments by enabling this setting.
- Redirection After Full Order Payment – Choose the option from the drop-down where you want the screen to redirect after a customer makes a full payment. You can either set the redirection to the pin pad screen or the landing service area. You can also disable the redirection from the drop-down.
- Redirection After Processing Send Command – Choose the option from the drop-down where you want the screen to redirect after clicking the Send button (to send an order to the kitchen) on the order screen. You can either set the redirection to the pin pad screen or the landing service area. You can also disable the redirection from the drop-down.
- Once done, click Save.
How to set up the Store Hours?
Vivid allows you to set the restaurant’s daily hours of operation. You can set the store opening time and closing time or set the closing day(s) of the restaurant.
- Tap on the first field to open the time picker. Scroll the list and select the time you want your restaurant to open.
- Tap on the second field to open the time picker. Scroll the list and select the time you want your restaurant to close.
- You can add more working hours to the day by clicking on
- Be sure to click the Save Changes button to publish the recent changes.
How to create a meal period based menu?
A typical meal period could be breakfast, lunch, dinner, Sunday brunch, happy hour, etc. You can even create special meal periods for special events like new year, valentine’s day, etc., and enable those meal periods to show up during a particular period. Suppose you want to create a special Lunch meal period, and you want the server to see it only on Saturday between 09:00 PM and 10:00 PM; here is what you need to do:
- Go to the backend portal.
- Create a meal period.
- Associate the items/categories with that meal period.
That’s it. Check out the detailed steps below.
Create a Meal Period

- Login to the Vivid backend portal.
- Tap the hamburger icon to open the left navigation menu.
- Click the Configuration as shown in the screenshot.

- Expand the Setup menu.
- Scroll down and click the Meal Period.
- A new screen will open; here you can name the meal period and set the start time and end time.
- Tap on the toggle switch next to the day for which you want to enable the meal period.
symbol means the meal period is disabled for a day, and
symbol means the meal period is enabled.
- The Start Time and End Time fields will open next to it. Tap on the Start Time field and select the time at which you want the meal period to begin. Similarly, you can choose the end time as well. Or, you can enter the time manually in HH:MM AM/PM format.
- Once done, click Save.
- For example, in the above screengrab, we named the meal period “happy hour” and set its availability for Friday and Saturday from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
- Repeat steps 7-12 to create a new meal period.
Associate the meal period with an item
Note: You can associate multiple meal periods with an item, but please make sure that you have added all the needed meal periods by following the steps explained above.

- Click the Hamburger icon and tap Catalog on the left navigation. Check the screenshot.

- Click on the item that you want to associate the meal period with.

- Locate the Meal Period field, click on it.
- Select the meal periods from the drop-down to associate them with this item. Click Select All to associate all the available meal periods with this item.
- Once done, click Save at the bottom right corner.
Note: In this example, we have associated the “Well Whiskey” drink with the “Happy Hour” meal period. Doing this will make the Well Whiskey drink be available during the Happy Hour meal period only, on Friday and Saturday from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Similarly, you can create a unique meal period for some special events like New year, Valentine’s day, etc.
Associate the meal period with a category

- Click the Hamburger icon and tap Catalog on the left navigation. Check the screenshot.

- Click on the category that you want to associate the meal period with.

- Locate the Meal Period field, click on it.
- Select the meal periods from the drop-down to associate them with this category. Click Select All to associate all the available meal periods with this category.
- Once done, click Save at the bottom right corner.
In this example, we have associated the “Bottled Beer” category with the “Happy Hour” meal period. Doing this will make the Bottled Beer category be available during the Happy Hour meal period only, on Friday and Saturday from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Similarly, you can create some unique categories and make them available for specific meal periods.
Note: Please note that the meal period setting for an item will override the category’s meal period setting for this specific item.
Table Management
Vivid backend portal allows the clients to replicate the table positions of their restaurant in the POS. The tables can be added as per their exact specifications, such as shape, size, and position in the restaurant. The tables can be allocated serial numbers for easy identification. The tables can also be modified or relocated at any point in time. Once the table layout is created, the server can tap on a table to take orders on that table. It helps the servers take and serve orders with zero errors, especially when the servers shift changes. The new server knows which table is occupied and which is not just by seeing the color coding on the table layout. The occupied table goes red, and the partially paid table goes green, while the unoccupied table remains grey. Below are the steps on adding, editing, and modifying tables at your convenience from the backend portal.

- log in to your backend using the username and password.
- Tap the hamburger icon on the top left.
- Click Configuration on the left panel.

- Tap on the Service Area under the Setup menu.
- The Service Area Configurations page will open up.
- Tap
under Actions in the Main Dining row.

- The Manage Table page will appear. Here you can see the existing table layout, modify the table and add a new table.
- Tap the Revenue Center tab and select the dining area where you want to set up the tables.
Adding a new table

- To add a new table, tap
on the top right of the Manage Table screen.
- The Create New Table popup will appear. Fill in the table details as given below:
- Table number – Enter the table number. Please make sure to assign different numbers to the tables for streamlined ordering. Similar table numbers may create unnecessary confusion for servers.
- X Position – This is the position of the table on the horizontal axis.
- Y Position – This is the position of the table on the vertical axis.
Note: You can set any default position for now and drag and drop the table to the desired position later on the POS.Revenue Center tab and select the dining area where you want to set up the tables.
- Select Size for Table – Select the table size from the drop-down – You can choose from these options – normal, medium, or large.
- Select Shape – This setting allows you to choose the shape of the table. The available options are circle, square, rectangle, triangle, etc.
- Click Save to save the table layout settings.
Modifying the existing table
You can edit the shape and size of the virtual table at any point in time. Below are the detailed steps.

- Hover your cursor over the table that you want to edit.
- Tap
as shown in the screenshot.

- The Edit table screen will open.
- Modify any of the given fields and once done, click Save.
- You can also delete the table by clicking the
How does the table layout appear on the POS?
The table layout on the POS is the exact replica of the backend portal table management. Below you can see the backend portal table layout on the left and how that reflects in the POS, on the right.

- You can review the table positioning at Main Dining under the Service Areas tab.
- Please make sure to log in to your POS using the same username that you have used to access the backend portal for table creation.
- Navigate to the Service Area menu tap the Main Dining (or the Revenue Center where you have created the table).
- The exact replica of the backend portal table management will be displayed on your POS screen (Check out the screenshot on the right).
- Now the server can tap on any table and start taking the orders right away.
- Below is a cutout of a table similar to table 2 and table 3 as shown in the above illustration. The table in red means it is occupied and the green table symbolizes the table is vacant. Following is a detailed observation of the layout.

- The red table indicates that the table is occupied. Below is the detailed observation.
- The timer on top is in HH:MM format. This is the time the guests have spent at the table. In the above example, the guests have been at the table for the past 04 hours and 18 minutes.
- John D is the name of the employee serving the guests.
- 2 is the table number.
- The number 2 in the brackets ahead of John D is the number of guests at the table.

- The table in green shows the order placed is partially paid, and some balance due is still remaining to be paid.
- The grey tables are unoccupied.
How to Setup the Promotional Price from the Portal?
Restaurants can offer special promotions or discounts to the guests on special events. The promotional pricing can be applied to the entire group of items in the store. Rather than changing the price of items individually, you can create a promotion rule that will apply to all the items in a category. Also, you can apply the promotion rule to the individual items and set the start and end date of the promotion rule.
Setup the Promotion Rule
You can customize the promotion rules here, such as the start and end date/time of the promotion, price of the item during the promotional period, and whether the promotion should keep repeating without any end date. For example, you can offer promotional prices for summer holidays, weekends, clearance sales, etc. Below are the steps to set up the promotion rule in Vivid.

- Navigate to the Promotions in the left navigation menu.

- Select the Promotion Rule tab as shown in the screenshot.
- Click
to create a new promotion rule.

- A new window will appear here. You can create a new rule and customize it the way you want. Below are the descriptions.
- Rule name: Enter the name of the promotion rule such as 10% off on cakes, Happy Hours, Friday 20% off, etc.
- Start Date: Select the start date of this promotion rule. From this date onwards, the promotion rule can be applied to items. So if you select April/17/2022 as the start date, the promotion rule will come into effect from the 17th of April.
- End Date: Select the end date of this promotion rule. The promotion rule will end on this date. If you select April/24/2022 as the end date, this promotion will end on the 24th of April.
- Repeat: Tap the Repeat button if you want the promotion rule to keep repeating every day, without any end date. This will apply the same promotional price every day on the associated items.

- Enter the amount next to the day. The amount should be in numbers. So, if you want to offer the 10% off on cakes, enter 10 next to Friday, select PCT (percent) in Amt Type, and select (➖) in the Operator Type. Below are some important abbreviations to help set up the rules.
- PCT: Percentage%. For example, 10%.
- AMT: Amount. For example, $10.
- Operator (➖): Apply this operator when you want to offer a discount. For example, to activate the 10% off on items, simply put 10 in Amount and (➖) in Operator.
- Operator (➕): Apply this operator when you want to increase the price of items. For example, to raise the price of items by 10%, simply put 10 in Amount and (➕) in Operator.
- Operator (=): Apply this operator when you want to override the existing amount of the item. For example, if you put 10 in the Amount field and select (=) operator, the existing price of the associated item will be overridden to $10.
- Next, you should select the start and end time to choose the duration during which you want the promotion rule to remain in effect during the day. For example, you want the 10% off on cakes promotion rule to stay active between 10:00 am to 11:00 pm, so select 10:00 am as the Start Time and 11:00 PM as the End Time.

- Select Yes in the Affect Modifier field if you want the promotion rule to be applied to the associated modifiers as well. Let’s understand this with an example of an item – Hot Wings. It is usually served with a Sweet Chilly modifier. So, there can be two scenarios – first, you want the promotion rule to be applied on the modifier as well, and second, you want to exclude the modifier from the promotion rule. Let’s see the calculations in both scenarios.
Scenario 1. Applying the promotion rule on item and modifier.
You apply a 10% off promotion rule on Hot Wings and select Yes in the Affect Modifier field; the final price will be calculated on Hot Wings + Sweet Chilly, as given below.
Price of Hot Wings = $5.00
Price of Sweet Chilly = $1.00
Total Price = $6.00
Final price after applying the promotion rule (10% off) = $5.40.
Scenario 2. Applying the promotion rule on item only.
You apply a 10% off promotion rule on Hot Wings and select Yes in the Affect Modifier field; the final price will be calculated as given below.
Price of Hot Wings = $5.00
Price of Sweet Chilly = $1.00
Final price after applying the promotion rule (10% off) = $5.50.
Don’t forget to click the Save button to save the changes.

- The added promotion rules will appear under the Promotion Rule tab, as shown in the screenshot above.
- The Start and End Date will also appear next to the promotion rules.
- The
under Status symbolizes the promotion rule is active and
means a promotion rule is inactive. You can tap on the
to reverse the action.
Setup the Promotion
Once you have set up the promotion rules, it’s time to create an event and associate a promotion rule with it. This section will allow you to choose employees who can apply the promotion rule to an item and the service areas and terminals where the promotion rule can be applied. For example, you have an Easter Event around the corner. And you want to offer 10% off on chocolate truffles. Here is how you can do it – create a promotion rule called 10% off on chocolate truffles, create a promotion called the Easter Event, and associate the chocolate truffles item with Easter Event. Follow this path to associate an item with specific promotion – Catalog > select chocolate truffles cake > Additional Settings > Enable Event.

- Tap the Promotion tab as shown in the screenshot above.
- Click
to create a new promotion.

- A new window will appear, here you can create an event and customize it the way you want.
- Event Name: Enter the event name. For example, Easter Event.
- Select Rule: Tap this field and select the promotion rule from the drop-down. This will associate the event with the selected promotion rule, and the preset prices will apply during the promotional period. For example, you can select 10% off on cake promotional rules for the Easter Event.
- Employees: Select the employees to authorize them to apply this promotional price. Other employees won’t be able to apply the Promotion.
- Service Areas: Select the service areas where you want this promotion to be applicable.
- Terminals: Select the terminals where you want this promotion to be applicable.
- Once done, please click the Save button.

- The added events will appear under the Promotion tab as shown in the screenshot above.
- The
under Status symbolizes the promotion rule is active and
means a promotion rule is inactive. You can tap on the
to reverse the action.
Associate an item with the promotion
Once you have created the promotion and set up the rules, the next step is to associate the items with an apt event. It allows you to offer the items as per the rules set in the promotional rule. For example, you can set the chocolate truffle to be associated with the Easter Event (10% off promotion rule).

- Navigate to the Catalog section on the left panel.

- Click the Items tab and tap on the item that you want to associate with an event.

- Go to the Additional Settings tab, select the Enable Event option and select the promotion from the Event List. The preset rules of the promotion will be applicable to this item. In this example, we have associated the chocolate truffle cake with an Easter Event promotion, and during that period, the chocolate truffle cake will be offered at 10% less price.
- Once done, click Save.

- Take a look at this POS screen, the chocolate truffle cake has been ordered during the Easter Event promotion period. The Easter Event name will be displayed at the bottom of the item on which it is applied. The revised item price will be displayed next to the item. Here, you can see the actual price of chocolate truffle cake was $6.00, but during the Easter Event (10% off on cakes), the new price comes out to be $5.40.